Find a creative solution
Conducting an empirical study to find out is quite a challenge. It starts with asking valid research questions. Questions that can actually be answered. Then follow testable hypotheses, population definition, determining the measuring instruments, collecting the data, analyzing and reporting it. I can advise you on all these steps. Extensively and repeatedly, or succinctly and once.
Know where your limits are. Let us help you.
Good research deserves good data analysis. An analysis that matches the data and of which the results are clear. Answer the research question. Time analyses, single case designs, power analysis, latent variable modelling. I can help you with almost any statistical analysis. Or do it completely for you.
Together is more fun
Learning as a team is inspiring and more fun. Together you go further, you learn more. One day a workshop about a specific data analysis technique. Understanding the difficulties together. A course to refresh research skills or statistics. data science techniques. Whether it concerns test construction, single case designs or multilevel analyses. You call.
I like that pap
Constructing a valid and reliable questionnaire or test is quite a task. It requires knowledge of psychometrics and statistics. It is best to be well informed from the start of the questionnaire. For a thorough validation study you need a large sample. Only then can psychometric analyzes such as factor analysis, item response theory models and reliability analysis be performed properly. I have extensive experience in psychometrics. Got his PhD in it and taught it for years! As an assessor at the Cotan, I have been assessing countless tests for their psychometric qualities for years.
Empty online
You are an educational institution and interested in web applications that help your students master those difficult statistical concepts. We can develop such an app for you. Just the way you want it and according to educational principles. Together with Jesse Alma I create an app that allows your students to work independently and learn exactly what you want them to learn.
See the forest through the trees
Your company collects data from which you can learn. But how do you get the right information from all the data? Jesse Alma and I will create a beautiful dashboard for you in which you can see all the information you want at a glance. A dashboard that allows you to make predictions for the future or find explanations for past performance.